Did you know that every writer has an entire support system on the "other side?"
You may even have a famous writing spirit guide that is ready and willing to support you in your writing practices and projects.
Introducing:Connecting with Writing Spirit Guides: A WorkshopSATURDAY, JANUARY 27TH, 2024
A few months ago, I found myself struggling to get past a creative block. I didn't know what to do, so I turned to Spirit and asked if my writing spirit guide would step forward.
And she did. We've been working together ever since and I can't emphasize the impact she has had on my writing life.

Things my spirit guide has helped me achieve since I started working with her:
  • I was accepted into and attended a writer's workshop in Dublin, Ireland
  • I was accepted into and am working in a mentorship program 
  • I've built up the courage to start publishing my first writing fiction to heal novel, Until They Burn
  • I've reconnected with an old co-writer to revamp one of our series and start a new one together
  • I've worked through countless character and plot issues by communicating with my writing spirit guide
This is just the tip of the iceberg, too! Since "meeting" and communicating with my writing spirit guide, I have found confidence in moving forward on creative projects and know that when I ask her a question, I will get an answer (although, it may not always be the answer I want).

Here's one of the most impactful card spreads I did with my writing spirit guide around a particular story issue I was working through:

Even a small spread like this provided the exact answers I needed to overcome the obstacle I was facing. I couldn't believe it. But Agatha (my writing spirit guide) has truly come through for me every time I've called upon her.

If you're skeptical about this concept, you're not alone. 
I didn't believe it at first, either! But the more time I spent communicating with Agatha and the more opportunities I gave her to show me the signs, the more I realized how deep her guidance really was. Perhaps she has been helping me out my entire life and I am just now starting to listen. But one thing I know for sure is that my writing life has not been the same since I started working with her in an intentional way.

Now I want to teach you how you can do the same thing with your very own writing spirit guide!

Workshop Structure:

All sessions will be recorded and available for replay after workshop ends except for the sharing circle.
  • Session 1 & 2: 10am-12pm cst
  • Lunch: 12pm-1pm cst
  • Session 3 & 4: 1pm - 3pm cst
  • Optional Sharing Circle (not recorded): 3pm - 3:30pm cst

What you'll walk away with:

  • A 40+ page workbook
  • Oracle/tarot card spreads to use with your guides
  • A visualization/meditation for meeting your spirit guide audio download
  • A comprehensive resource list for further exploration
Hey, I'm Jade!
I'm an author of over 20 books, a storytelling coach, the creator of the Writing Fiction to Heal method and the creator of The Rebel MFA Degree and Sanctuary.

I help writers find and tell their stories their way. 

I created this workshop because of how impactful it has been to work with my own writing spirit guide. 

It's my belief that everyone has a group of guides on the "other side" who are just waiting to help us succeed in life. The biggest problem? We don't often listen to hear them nor do we intentionally set out to develop that relationship with them.

This workshop takes writers through my process of discovering, communicating, and developing a relationship with writing spirit guides and I hope those who take it walk away feeling empowered and supported. 

You can learn more about me and all the things I offer writers by clicking here.
Register for the Workshop:

Early Bird/Black Friday Pricing

$99 - One Payment
  • A 40+ page workbook
  • Oracle/tarot card spreads to use with your guides
  • A visualization/meditation for meeting your spirit guide audio download
  • A comprehensive resource list for further exploration

Register for the workshop →

Early Bird/Black Friday Pricing

$50 - Two Payments
  • A 40+ page workbook
  • Oracle/tarot card spreads to use with your guides
  • A visualization/meditation for meeting your spirit guide audio download
  • A comprehensive resource list for further exploration

Register for the workshop →